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Tips for a successful initial coin offering

When a cryptocurrency wants to startup money through an initial coin offering (ICO), the first step is usually a statement or a white paper. In this important key data of the project are displayed transparently. The white paper is a promising indicator when it comes to checking the seriousness of a project. The following information should therefore include a white paper:

• Goals: Which problem would the project like to tackle? Which solutions does it offer?
• The team : Who are the people behind the project? Is there a registered office? How experienced is the team?
• Roadmap: What has the company done so far and is there a plan for the future?

In addition to this information, the details of the Initial Coin Offering should be as detailed as possible.
• In which period should the ICO be held?
• How many coins are generated in total?
• At what price are the coins offered?
• What sum should be taken via the ICO and what is the money used for?
• How many coins are retained by the team?

ICO launch service

Questner an ICO service providing a platform that assists your project to attract more investors where we would be working closely to kickstart the project

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