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Facts about Zimbabwe

1. Zimbabwe was once a very rich country
2. 70% of the population of Zimbabwe belongs to or descends from the Shona tribe
3. Zimbabwe is a country surrounded by land, it has no coastline.
4. The Zimbabweans call any type of toothpaste "colgate", any soda or soft drink "Coca-Cola" and any dish soap "Surf"
5. Zimbabwe became independent from the United Kingdom on April 18, 1980.
6. The blackouts in Zimbabwe are quite frequent and random, they can last about three hours quietly.
7. Zimbabwe has the shortest life range for its inhabitants, women live an average of 34 years and men an average of 37 years.
8. According to statistics (UNICEF, 2012) more than 1.4 million Zimbabweans live with AIDS.
9. Mwari is the name of the goddess of the Shona tribe of the people of Zimbabwe. The population believes in this goddess for centuries.
10. In Zimbabwe there is a strong belief that sirens exist. In fact, these mystical creatures are usually the culprits of any negative event such as kidnapping, torture or murder.
11. Cholera and malaria are two diseases present in the country.
12. Police officers are prohibited from driving cars off the side of the road platform. It is illegal to try to do it.
13. Zimbabwe suffers from shortages in professional medical services. The majority of certified doctors and nurses in the country leave this country in search of better opportunities anywhere else in the world. Therefore methods of spiritual healers are very frequent among the population.
14. The land of Zimbabwe is three times the land of the United Kingdom.
15. The largest waterfall in the world, the Victoria Falls, are located on the Zambezi River.
16. The noise of the Victoria Falls can be heard up to a total of 40 km away.
17. The whitish aura that is created by the impact of water falling at a height of 400 meters from the Victoria Falls can be seen up to 50 km away.
18. The local name for the Victoria Falls is Mosi - O - Tunya which translates as smoke that thunders.
19. The waterfall was named after Queen Victoria by the explorer who discovered it David Livingstone.
20. The waterfall was discovered in 1855
21. The waterfall is a UNESCO world heritage site, and began attracting tourists in 1905, when a train track to Bulawayo was built.
22. During rainy seasons, water reserves can reach a total of approximately half a million liters per minute.
23. 76% of Zimbabwe's rural population lives on less than $ 1.25 per day.
24. Zimbabwe is ranked 156 out of 187 in terms of underdeveloped countries. It is a country with a low economy and food deficit.
25. Surprisingly, Zimbabwe has one of the highest rates of literate people in all of Africa, approximately 90% of the population can read.
26. Mount Inyagani, with 2,592 meters, is the highest point in the whole country.

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