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Yoga Teacher Training in India - Its Perspectives and Opportunities

True Yoga: what you know vs. how it really is. It’s a simple human psychology – to look for the easiest way. It’s a law of Physics. It’s a law of nature.

It’s silly to look for a hard way – when there is a simple one. Right?
Interestingly enough – when we “switch on” our mind – we often do choose to go not optimal ways. Because we make mistakes. Well, life is even “harder” – we also do mistakes, when we “switch off” our minds (when we “make it simple”). Here is how it applies to our discussions about Yoga:

• imagine, a person comes first time to a Yoga center, he/she practices there, gets some knowledge
• during this time, experience, our mind takes out an empty box, puts a label on it called “Yoga” and puts everything we are getting in that Yoga center into that box. The more things are put inside, the less there is space for new or different stuff. – That’s that “simple way” our mind optimizes its work and sooner or later it completely closes the box with the name “Yoga” on it. This is how it works for most of the people and that is where we need to do some work, to be “open minded” (“open boxed” 

 ), to think “out of the box” 

Situation (with Yoga) is actually quite unfortunate. – There are so many pseudo-Yoga centers now, so many “Yoga teachers” who teach so many things, but Yoga. So, that if the person we took as an example would come, say, to a “wrong” center, and to a bad Teacher. – Then he or she will leave the center with [bad] opinion about what Yoga is and likely won’t come again for another session (anywhere, not just to the Teacher, who introduced him/her into “Yoga”). – I’ve seen so many such people in different centers across the world. They get disappointed and leave, they leave with definite opinion that Yoga “is not for them” without even trying true Yoga! – Because they don’t have a point of reference. They don’t know that other ways are possible too, that there are rare, but good, real, true Yoga teachers who can help them.

Yoga and wellness 

That is what we should keep in mind. – Sure, you may “know” already what Yoga is. Sure, I may be mistaken about true Yoga. But do try to be open-minded, listen to opinion different from prevailing perception of what Yoga is. – Maybe, just maybe you get a chance for alternative view, chance worse trouble to open mind for a while and maybe changing your opinion about something if you find it worthy – a chance to open to a different, a wonderful world.

Swasti Yoga Centre has designed yoga training program for yoga professionals.


This program is recognized by International Ayurveda Association (IAA), Societa Italiana Prof. Kulkarni Ayurveda (SIPKA RIMINI, Italy) C.I.L.U.S. (Centro Internazionale Lavori Umano Sociali),Italia, Ayurved Yoga, Australia.

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