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Five Things That You Should Know About Cheish Napkins

The menstrual cycle is a necessary part of a woman’s fertility and reproductive life which occurs every month or on average every 28 days. Blood or menses is discharged into the vagina while the body undergoes a series of biological changes under the influence of the female hormones – progesterone and estrogen – which spike then sharply drop in production.

Menstruation Affects the Whole Body
It’s a fact that is lost on most men but we should do more to appreciate.  We’ve added links to a more complete medical discussion on the subject, but for the more obvious points on what’s going on:


• The uterus expels its lining and egg
• Painful cramping and severe uterine pain usually occurs during the first 3 days of the period and is common among adolescents and younger women
• Mild to severe mood changes, irritability, cravings, water retention, weight gain, sensitivity of the breasts, headaches, fatigue may occur as part of the pre-menstrual cycle due to the hormonal changes underway

Education Starts Early
For a teenaged girl, all the biological changes that are occurring can be overwhelming and confusing. Unless her parents and teachers monitor and guide the young woman with care and proper information, she can be left unnecessarily with a painful and jarring experience.

no more cramps

That’s why providing education and care is essential from the start to ensure every woman’s well being and reproductive life.

Made with non-bleached Natural Cotton, CHERISH™ PREMIUM SANITARY NAPKINS, while ultra-thin, include a super-absorbent and safe polymer that is up to 10 times more absorbent than conventional pads and holds more than 300 times its own weight in liquid!

The unique negative ion strip has many proven health benefits including possibly reducing pain and inflammation and may help to neutralize unwanted odors. Now you can maintain an active, carefree lifestyle during that most sensitive time of the month. You’re going to Love the Way You Feel™.

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