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Where to Purchase Flowers for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Flowers will be available everywhere on February 14th and probably a few days before as well. Convenience stores, department stores, home improvement stores, and independent sellers on every street corner will have flower for sale. There are even valentine rose flower that offer single roses as a fundraiser for the band or drama club. Definitely support the High School if you know a student.

The Best Place

An experienced florist remains the best place to buy flowers for any occasion. There will be a distinct difference between those purchased in a regular store and those purchased from a Tampa florist. One difference will be the condition of the flowers, especially roses.

Flowers on display by the store entrance, or in a bucket on the corner, will not be at the right temperature to keep the flowers fresh. A florist will have display cases at the perfect temperature suitable for flowers in Tampa. valentine roses will also be packaged to survive the trip to the final destination without wilting. The result will be flowers that will last longer.


Another difference will be the variety of available arrangements. There may be some flowers in a bunch and some in a vase at some stores, but the selection will be limited. Florists that have been in business for decades, like Carrollwood Florist, for example, can design and customize arrangements to be one-of-a-kind. Keep in mind that ordering in advance is necessary for custom flowers.

Most florists will take advanced orders for Valentine’s Day to make sure they can provide what loyal customers desire. There will be some extra as well for those who wait until that day, but do not count on that. The variety offered at a florist will also include specialty gifts for people who are allergic to flowers. Stuffed animals, baskets with wine and chocolates, jewelry, and wall hangings are usually sold at a florist shop.


A florist will have live plants available as an option as well. A specific plant can be ordered ahead of time. Talk to the florist about what will grow well in the climate, what is suitable for a small apartment, and what plants are safe for pets if applicable. Florists can make recommendations and explain the meaning of different flowers.

Some even offer classes on flower arranging for those who have a garden and want to display cut flowers in their homes. Informational seminars may also be available regarding edible flowers and their uses. That is an excellent way to promote the shop and allow those in the community to see what is available on a regular basis.
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