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National Health Center Week Activities to Support Raising Awareness

Did you know that healthcare expenses in India account for 4.1% of national GDP? In addition, private spending on healthcare (which means costs that government will not bear) increases up to 70.8% of all country's health expenditure, according to The Guardian. The alternative then for the common people is quite simple - investing in a small amount of preventive health checkups (which could be totally covered by your insurance) than shelling out large amounts during health crises.

A preventive health checkup can help you in many ways. Not only you save yourself from the trouble of having to suffer through the symptoms of the disease, but it also saves money that you would otherwise be spending on hospital expenses. Continue reading to know why a preventive health checkup is worth the effort.

Why Preventive Health Checkups?

Most health experts agree that the best way to watch out for your health is annual health checkups. Here are some reasons to support the fact why this is important:

Even your car is also serviced twice in a year. No one asks why time, effort, and money are spent on ensuring that their car is being serviced with all the necessary checks, on a regular basis. Our body also needs to be serviced regularly and checked for better functioning. Do you value your health as much as you do that of your vehicle?

You are living a sedentary lifestyle. The reality is that today people are so hooked up to the digital gadgets & computers that even when you aren't at work, you are surfing the web and basically spending both your leisure time and working hours sitting in front of some type of screen. Then there are those who drink, smoke and tremble at the very thought of daily exercise.

Even healthy people can get sick. While we are young we feel invincible. But as we age, it all begins with random aches, pains and progresses to cholesterol increase, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack, to list the very few serious disorders. If we soon started caring about our health, most diseases can be prevented before they could even occur.

Early diagnosis could lead to a cure. There are many diseases and illnesses that have a better prognosis when diagnosed early. This is particularly true for chronic and terminal illnesses, such as diabetes, cancer, and heart attack. Regular preventive health checkups help you find the best treatment alternatives as soon as possible, but also give you better chances of quickly recovering back to health.

Family history tells more about your future health. Family history means you have more chances to end up suffering from a disease like your immediate family. For example, if your father has a history of heart problems or your grandmother has a high blood sugar level, you are likely to experience the same conditions sooner or later.
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