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Spider Veins and the Symptoms to Watch For

The characteristic symptoms of this pathology vary in each case. It is possible that a patient suffers from varicose veins, but most are not visible, even though, they may have an advanced degree of the disease. Understanding best treatment for varicose veins and its symptoms can go a long way in getting the right treatment.


Among the typical symptoms of varicose veins are:

Visibility of the veins: The first symptom of varicose veins is the possibility of seeing them in the back of the knees and the inner thighs, although they can appear in other areas of the body.

Fatigue and heaviness in the legs: This symptom usually appears when you are not moving for a long time.

Pain: Pain occurs in the affected area where the dilated vein is observed and along the area where it is present.

varicose veins treatment

Tingling may be seen when standing or sitting in the same position for long periods of time.

Heat, itching, or stinging usually occurs in the lower areas of the extremities, the ankles or feet.

Swelling of feet and ankles: If the problem is not treated in the early stages, it is possible that the swelling will increase along the affected area. In the first stages, it may decrease with rest, but it can become permanent.

Skin coloration: Because varicose veins typically form near the surface of the skin, bleeding can occur that affects the skin's color.

Dilated and twisted veins: Due to the dilatation suffered by varicosities, veins require more space in the affected area and may become twisted.

laser treatment for varicose veins is usually made by a Vascular Surgery and Angiology Specialist, which deals with blood vessel diseases. In some cases, it is also possible that it is a surgeon who makes the diagnosis. The diagnosis is usually determined by examining the area while the patient is standing.

After being diagnosed and depending on the type of varicose veins that the patient presents, the treatment to be followed will be determined. If the patient presents varicose veins of grade 3 or 4, surgical treatment is recommended since it is the most effective in these cases.


The most common surgery in the case of severe varicose veins is saphenectomy or complete fleboextraction. This intervention consists in the localized elimination of the internal or external saphenous veins because they are the veins in which varicose veins usually form. The specialist makes an incision in the groin and another in the lower part of the leg, either in the knee or ankle, depending on the area where the extraction will be performed.
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