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Let's explain the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as well as the therapeutic approaches

If you desire to heal the disorder, you should consider than the right way to do it, use to be to delete the factor than causes it. It's a disease that is expressed through strong thoughts at the level of the mind of the patient. In some cases, there are furthermore, compulsive acts. The cause of the problem is unknown. But most psychologists say than it consist in a result of personality and deep traumatic events. This is a key factor because to heal its deepest cause must be the only method to cure the OCD. The elements than are considered involved of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder are the education, the excessive protection received by their fellows. It can be the consequence of the presence of bad experiences, and things than are bad. One of all the keys than can create the Obsessive Compulsive disorder can be the pressure of the work. Let's write some examples of compulsive rituals, some of them are:

Cleaning their body several times.
The acf of checking than the doors are closed and other kinds of checkings.
To put the objects in a certain position.
To make some mental repetitions about to think about certain numbers or words.

Most of the psychological treatments are not as effective as the patient might like. That is due to the circumstance than a lot of treatments, as well as behavioral treatments, several times are not really able to cure the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It can be a consequence of the reality than most therapies can't to erase the real cause of obsessive acts. If we need to know how to cure the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder you need to consider than you have to erase its cause. The only procedures than are strongly effective in the success of the objective o being free from this disease are the transpersonal psychology and the fact of not to believe the thoughts. Those are something than fixes the deep part of the mind. Once the unconscious is erased, the disorder is going to be cured.

Let's talk now about the psychoanalysis. It is developed by the wise doctor Sigmund Freud, and strongly modified by Carl Jung. It`s good to cure the OCD because the therapy makes subconscious feelings to be integrated. We know than this way the unconscious emotions no longer are feeding the process, and that means the OCD cure to be a reality. Despite that it's a long process, because it is required a high number of sessions to be posible curing the OCD. It might imply it's expensive to cure the OCD using psychoanalysis.

For curing the OCD quite effective the BioNeuroEmotion. This is a discipline than was developed by by the psychologist Enric Corbera. It's a treatment than brings up the influence of the ancestors in our personality, and some resources is the observation of the genealogical members in the clan. The truth is than the most habitual cases about OCD are habits like cleaning one's body over and over. Other examples consist on to check than the windows are properly closed, and to move some objects of the room in a certain disposition. It's also frequent to clean the house repeatedly, to maintain the home very disinfected and free of bacterias.

The persons know than those habits are not normal but they are not able to not to make these acts. If they don't make the rituals they begin to experience a lot of stress. In those cases, the only way of decreasing it consist on making the act. The habitual treatments help to dicrease those levels of distress but usually it can't cure those feelings.
Some people with the problem are not diagnosed yet therefore they can't search for help. Some peole know that they do rituals than can't be considered normal but they usually don't know why, and how is the process to stop them.

As how to cure the OCD might imagine this is extremely painful from the psychological perspective because the guys are living a painful situation and they don't tell this to other people and the reason is that usually they are quite afraid of being crazy. If you are a parent of someone who you believe than maybe being suffering Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, the wise action you can do is speaking with that person and to inform him this problem and about the high importance of searching for help. It's too very desirable to express him your help and. It's necessary to tell him than he won't be abandoned, it may be hugely. You can have more info in my personal pa
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