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Quick Seduction Secrets

There is a seduction technique you can use on first dates such as coffee dates that is very effective. It's called a Seductive Hypnotic Description or Seductress 'SHD'. It works well because it bypasses a woman's conscious filters and causes her to experience the feelings necessary for her to feel a connection that is based on sexual tension.

Seductive Hypnotic Descriptions work because you're using every day words that have sexual connotations attached to them. Words such as 'sensitive' and 'wet' or 'hard' and 'slippery' have innuendo associated with them. Using these words within a sentence that is constructed around a romantic topic whist speaking in a seductive tone can be a powerful seduction technique.

The trick is to get a woman to ask you a question so you can answer her question with a SDH. The easiest way to do this is to simply ask her the question you want her to ask you. If you ask a woman what her favorite flavor of ice-cream is, 99% of the time after she tells you she'll ask you the same question back. If you want a woman to ask you a particular question, just ask her first.

The first step is to establish a conversational topic that has the possibility to lend itself to a SDH. You can't just ask a woman to tell you about her very first real kiss without some simple ground work first. Ask her where she went to school first. Then ask her if she remembers her very first boyfriend's name. Playfully accuse her of having lots of boyfriends at school. Then it's comes across as totally natural to ask her, "Can you still recall what your very first true kiss was like...?"

By just talking about her first kiss with her is a great way to increase your connection with her. Whilst she's in your company she'll be experiencing those very same emotions and this is what will cause her to feel attraction towards you. Whether she is open to talking about her first kiss or not the question itself creates an exciting emotion within her. If she answers or not there's a very high chance of her asking you, "...well why don't you describe your first kiss for me...?

This is your chance to answer her with your perfectly rehearsed SHD. It would sound like, "...I do because it was a secret was raining and everywhere was wet so we hid under this huge tree...I remember being surprised at how soft and warm her lips were even though we were both totally wet...the rain was actually dripping onto our faces from the leaves above as we kissed...her lips were so sensitive and I had to be so gentle with her...I never expected my first kiss to be like that...we ran back to where we were meant to be both totally wet with a secret that was hard to keep..."
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