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DIY - Fire Ant Control and Pest Control

Would you like fire ants? Good, I do not either. Fire ants can be very troublesome especially this time of year. With the drought the way that it is more and, more Ants will be trying to seek out food and water from your house. Fire ants hunt chiefly for water very far out of their nest when it's very dry they'll travel far distances (for Ants) to acquire the moisture they need. There are a couple of steps that will help keep ants away from coming inside your residence.

The very first thing that you should try and do is identify colonies around your house. Ants like assembling pretty much anywhere, but they enjoy easy access points into food resources and water. One spot they construct frequently will be from the dryer vent to the outside of your dwelling. Here they have a simple entry point to plenty of water and typically food because most dryer vents are close to the kitchen in most houses. This is a fantastic place to begin searching for the pest, next, hunt around the outside of your house they like the finishes of porches, close to the backdoor and front door. Next check your flowerbeds and the remainder of the yard.

After Identifying a mound the next step is controlled. There are many organic pest control products available right now that will kill ants. If you're going the organic route you'll be able to try some greenlight products. Organic pest control most of the time is hit or miss and that which usually will occur is that the mound will die in one place and move 3 feet off to create another nest. see this website in killing a mound is getting into the queen. Cinnamon works occasionally along with baking soda, coffee grinds, grits and several others. However, the very best organic product utilized is Diatomaceous Earth it is extremely powerful but costly. It will work the majority of the time however be dehydrating the ants so much they die.

The organic route will work sometimes but the best thing to do is use a very low effect chemical product which will kill the queen. "Over and Out" is an excellent low impact product that functions a lot. The controller is seasonal great for about 3-6 months. The active ingredient works for a great number of insects but in low doses is specific to fire ants. It operates by leaching into the soil and also killing the queen since it lands on your yard. It needs to be spread just as described on the label and in every area of your yard. You will know the places in your lawn that are overlooked as you will get a Fire Ant Colony. To avoid this be to be sure and spread it all over your lawn.

If you still do not have any luck the final step would be phoning a specialist out to either spray or spread. The absolute best product available right now is called Top Choice, however, it can only be bought by a qualified pest control operator. The success rate with best pick is over and beyond any other product on the market and it lasts for one year guaranteed. Fire Ant free for an whole year sounds amazing and it is. It works the identical way as Over and Out but is specific to fire ants, thus it's a very low impact merchandise. It keeps other very good pests from perishing and leaves your yard the exact same without pesky fire ants. Should it get to the point at which you need a pest pro let us know and we can help.

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