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Most popular Paranormal Stories

Even though many paranormal stories are embellished and exaggerated over the years -- by products of rumors and hearsay, without a doubt -- you can still find a number of tales that could be substantiated by newspaper stories, historical artifacts, and eyewitness accounts. To turn into a particularly famous ghost story, the story plot must add a good reputation for known violence, repeated paranormal activity, direct experience of visitors and extreme actions.


The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall is surely an infamous story because this particular apparition has become so reliably photographed. While she hasn't shown up since 1936, many witnesses reported traversing to a woman apparition inside a long brown cape or dress. Noisy . 1800s, King George IV said he saw a girl with disheveled hair in a brown dress standing over his bed. Later, an 1835 house guest, Colonel Loftus, reported he saw a girl wearing a brown satin dress with empty eye sockets.

Captain Frederick Marryat slept within the "haunted room" seeking to catch a glimpse, but surprisingly encountered her carrying a lantern down an upstairs hallway. Two little boys reported seeing her in 1926 and the famous photograph caught her on camera in 1936, when Captain Provand and Indre Shira had to have an image of the staircase for Country Life Magazine. Legend has it, the paranormal happenings result from a female named Lady Townshend, who was simply suspected of infidelity and reportedly secured in the house by her cruel husband until her death.

One more of the very most famous paranormal stories could be the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California. As legend has it, Sarah Winchester was distraught following a successive deaths of her baby, her father-in-law and her husband, who died of sudden tuberculosis. After seeing a psychic, she considered that her family was cursed by paranormal spirits who had met their bitter fate after a Winchester gun.

To avoid being cursed and killed herself, she felt she had to continuously keep developing a mansion to deal with the spirits whilst them satisfied. The outcome would have been a $5.5 million dollar haunted mansion, using a number of bizarre design features that will confuse the malevolent ghosts -- doors to nowhere, vaults within vaults, windows that exposed to blank walls, trap doors, secret hallways, and staircases that cause ceilings. Today, visitors often report the sounds of footsteps, organ playing, pictures of faces in windows.

The Amherst Poltergeist is one of Canada's most terrifying paranormal stories. After 19-year-old Esther Cox of Amherst, Nova Scotia was raped by way of a shoemaker, Esther and her sisters began experiencing violent activities, with thunderous noises originating from under the bed, objects moving throughout the floor and unseen forces moving within the bed sheets. Esther's body turned red and swelled mysteriously and reports from Dr. Carritte say he was baffled with what he saw.

Based on the doctor, there wasn't any clear medical basis for the swelling anf the husband watched an unseen hand scrawl what "Esther Cox you're mine to kill" through the plaster wall. Potatoes and knives flew across the room. Esther's face was poked by sewing needles and her back was stabbed with a pocketknife wrenched from her friend's hand. Lit matches caused beds in the home to erupt into flames on several occasion. Irrespective of where Esther moved, the presence appeared to follow her. After she spent monthly in prison for supposedly creating a house burning down, the paranormal happenings subsided, nevertheless the ghostly stories remain many of the most frightening.
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