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Beating A Workout Slump

Another choice might be to indulge in their hobby. I love to write (obviously) so if I had a gift of a brand new journal in a style I love like in pink, purple or leopard print, along with a pack of fresh new purple gel pens, I would be thrilled. If your lover is an artist, how about a new canvas and some fresh paints or brushes? A scrap booker? How about all kinds of little bits with cupids, hearts and bows that they can use to make their own cards and stationary? Again, you just have to give it a thought about what they love and indulge that love for them a little.

There is a saying that says, "Without pain there can be no change". I used to believe that for example, I could never pass my running test. And this was attributed to the fact that I kept giving up once I felt exhausted and I kept using this as an excuse for constantly failing a 2.4km run, in the standard physical fitness test, and nothing could make me want to change my belief, although logically I wanted to change.


I did not want to look like a female version of Arnie, but using some very light weights to some step exercises really helped. Building a level of muscle will help to increase your metabolism, which in turn helps to burn fat.

It is also very important to stay hydrated. Be read more that you are drinking lots of water. While mostly is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, if possible aim for ten. After all, you are hydrating for two now.

No other physical training method can boast such convenience and effectiveness. And you DON'T NEED ANY equipment or costly gym memberships apart from your own body!

Finally, instead of that heavy meal out, how about something romantic like a stroll on the beach, in the park or in the woods? If you must eat, bring a picnic or cook a healthy meal for them? After all, who can stand to have that Valentine's Day love fest if you are so full you could pop?

So, we have to create enough reasons for ourselves to change. What is extremely powerful is to think of how would this limiting belief, how has it caused us in our lives and how will it continue to cause us in the future. Remember again, we are all driven by emotions, and not by logic. be told it is actually easier to maintain your gains after you have got them. It is a little like how when you get a ball rolling down a field, it's got some momentum to it. It is just the same way with your body.
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